Recultivating Ecology
B.Arch Thesis Project
5th Grade Spring semester
지속 가능한 건축은 뭘까? 미래 기후의 변화가 가져올 삶의 변화는 뭘까? 지구 온난화는 왜 막아야 하고 생태계는 왜 보존해야 하고 생물다양성은 왜 더 낮아져서는 안 되며 여러 환경 단체와 사람들은 왜 지구를 살리자고 할까? 아무리 자연이 중요하다지만, 생태계를 보존해야 하는 근본적이고 궁극적인 질문과 이유, 답변이 필요했다. 그렇게 계속 질문하고 조사한 정보를 연결하고 연결해 얻은 결론은 결국 우리는 누리던 환경이 변하는 걸 싫어하고 본래 환경으로 돌아가려고 하는 관성과 그리움을 가지고 있다는 것이다. 날씨가 더 더워지거나 추워지고 제 시기에 피던 꽃도 늦게 피거나 일찍 져버리니, 원래 보던 환경이 보고 싶고 그립고 그 환경이 있던 때로 돌아가고 싶은 것이다. 그렇다면 세계보건기후에서 예측하는 미래 기후 변화, 극심한 기후 변화가 우리의 삶을 극단적으로 바꿔놓을 수 있다면, 현재 생태계를 보존한 곳이 아마 유토피아가 되지 않을까?
Freezing Now as Utopia under Climate crisis
Creatures and humans have long been accustomed to nature’s ecology, building cultures and cities to cultivate life. However, the increasing climate crisis, rising carbon dioxide emissions, shrinking forest areas, and declining biodiversity warn us that nature’s ecology, often taken for granted, is changing dramatically. While creatures adapt by moving their habitats northward or to higher altitudes, humans have little choice but to remain where they are, passively witnessing these changes. In the future, we may lose what we have now, and the daily cultural life that depends on nature might disappear. What if a new form of architecture that captures the current ecology could serve as a utopia for future generations?
‘Recultivating Ecology’ proposes an architectural prototype that preserves the essence of our present ecology while studying how creatures adapt to future climate conditions. This would serve as both a historical archive and a space for people to physically experience and learn from the evolving environment.
Site investigation
The world could serve as a potential site for this prototype architecture. Specific locations such as Korea, Brazil, Singapore, and the polar regions in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, each with distinct climate conditions, have been selected for climate analysis studies. Among these, Bukhan mountain in Korea, with its temperate climate, has been chosen as the ideal location for developing the prototype.
Typology for New ecological preservation architecture
To identify architectural typologies adaptable to each region and climate, factors such as wind patterns, solar angles, and radiation levels are analyzed in relation to general architectural forms. These forms aim to preserve the current ecology by integrating climate conditions, spatial layouts, and microclimate considerations. Various shapes and combinations, featuring angled surfaces and rotations, are studied
alongside climate data to determine the most effective designs for microclimate control.
Form and Layout principles
Given that this architectural prototype will be placed in various locations with differing climates to preserve distinct ecological conditions, the forms must be tailored to two primary options: one optimized for hotter climates and the other for cooler climates. For the former, a dome-shaped structure, referred to as “Form ‘To Hot’,” is the most suitable based on analyses of solar radiation and heat circulation. For the latter, a cone-shaped structure, termed “Form ‘To Cold’,” is ideal for colder climates, as determined by the same climate and form analysis.
Program layout principles
The two forms, “To Hot” and “To Cold,” are strategically positioned on the selected site based on the sun’s radiance direction and prevailing wind patterns. Ecology preservation rooms within each form are arranged to maximize or minimize solar gain, depending on the needs, and to ventilate humid or dry air effectively.
Envelopement Principles
Several facade design options have been considered to optimize the microclimate conditions for each preservation room. Materials such as transparent ETFE panels, semi-transparent panels, mirrored solid panels, and double-skin systems are utilized as part of the facade design.