Regrown Tower


Regrown Tower
SKYHIVE Skyscraper challenge! Edition #6, TIMBER SKYSCRAPER
Buildner(Bee Breeders) Competition

지속 가능한 삶과 도시란 무엇일지 고민하던 도중 참여한 공모전이다. 지속 가능한 도시라면 적어도 사람이 도시에서 즐길 수 있는 공간이 많아야 한다고 생각했다. 내가 발견한 서울은, 주택공급이 부족해 고층 아파트를 몇 채씩 건설하고, 저층 아파트를 허물고 고층 아파트를 짓고, 층수에 상관 없이 비어가는 상가를 방치해둔 곳이다. 생산은 많지만 소유와 점유가 없어진다. 건물은 40년도 사용하지 못하고 철거되거나 방치된다. 건물은 과연 얼마나 도시에서 사람과 함께 머물 수 있을까? 사람이 변하고 요구와 필요성이 변하고 도시가 변하는데, 건물은 어떻게 사람과 오래 소통할 수 있을까? 건물이 부서질 수 있어야 했다. 어쩌면 뜬 구름 잡는 소리, 실현 가능성 없는, 그리고 뻔한 생각이다. 그래도 만약 할 수 있다면, 어떻게 건물을 부수고 어쩌면 새 정체성과 형태를 갖는 건물을 만들 수 있을지 고민했다.
고도 밀집, 경제화된 서울이 현재보다 심한 인플레이션을 겪게 된다면, 서울에 살던 사람이 교외로 이주하게 되고, 서울이 고스트 시티가 되는 상황을 상상했다. 현재 요구에 맞춰 계획된 평범한 고층 건물이 머지않아 고스트 타워가 될테고, 목적을 잃은 건물이 될 거다. 건물이 도시에서 이용될 목적을 잃으면 건물이 되기를 멈춘 건 아니다만, 새로운 놀이터가 되어야 한다. 주 목적을 잃은 건물을 부수고, 목적이 없어진 건물엔 더욱 찾아갈 이유가 없는 고층의 공간을 저층부에 돌려주고 싶었다. 얇고 높게 지어져 있던 건물은 점점 넓고 낮은 건물이 될 것이고, 점점 변형될 수록 도심 속 산처럼 자라나서, 접근할 수 있는 놀이터가 되길 바랬다. 건물로 가득 찬 도시지만 아이러니하게도 비어가는 도시, 고층 건물의 해체 가능성, 그리고 고층 건물 재생산의 가능성에 대해 고민해보고자 한 시도였다. 그래서 건물을 해체할 수 있는 구축 시스템과 사람이 지속적으로 요구할 프로그램을 계획할 필요가 있었다. 목재를 사용한 구축 시스템, 부재의 종류, 부재의 유닛화, 부재 간 연결 방식 등에 대해 고민해야 했다. 그리고 정신건강 케어, 명상 센터 등 지속적인 요구가 있을 프로그램을 배치하기로 했다. 아직도 지속 가능성이란 무엇일까 고민한다. 현재로써 나에게 지속 가능성이란 환경 측면에서의 지속 가능성이 아닌 어떻게 살고 있는가에 대한 이야기다.

Most nations around the world have undergone urbanization, which has brought with it problems associated with overcrowding in capital cities. Urbanization has led to other phenomena, including increases in product prices, living expenses, and plot and building rental prices, making urban areas increasingly difficult for people to afford. As a result, suburbanization has become more common, leading to decreased population in some cities and the emergence of “ghost buildings”. Vacant and abandoned buildings have become a common sight in many cities worldwide, and with negative population and economic trends expected to continue, it is likely that suburbanization will continue to accelerate, leading to more abandoned buildings in the future.
Seoul, South Korea is one of the cities in the world that is facing overcrowding issues. The city has a number of “ghost towers,” particularly in its most densely populated region, Gangnam. Despite being a busy city with a highly developed education system, office complexes, and medical facilities, the presence of numerous abandoned buildings in Gangnam presents an opportunity to explore ways of revitalizing these structures. The proposed site for this project is located in the heart of the city and includes the Chilsan building which has remained unmanaged for over 15 years and has been left in the middle of construction.

This project proposes a solution to the question of how skyscrapers can remain relevant and engaging with people in the city, without succumbing to becoming abandoned “ghost towers” in the future. The proposal involves taking apart the skyscrapers to repurpose their materials and spaces in sustainable ways. The proposed solution for repurposing skyscrapers and increasing their lifespan involves utilizing the flexibility of timber mass through the construction of timber units. These unitized timber systems enable skyscrapers to be disassembled and reassembled again in the future. The system comprises of CLT columns, girders, wide beams, floor plates, sandwich-shaped steel joints, cross steel joints, and steel bracing. The steel joints bonding each column and girder are compatible with all other bonding parts. This innovative timber system offers an effective way to reorganize skyscrapers and extend the lifespan of buildings. The whole process starts with taking apart timber units from the top of abandoned skyscrapers constructed using the timber system. The disassembled materials can then be reused to expand the ground area. The form of the new buildings can be varied and adapted to the shape and conditions of the site and purpose. By reassembling the skyscrapers and transferring their functions to the ground level, the accessibility and purpose of these buildings can be significantly increased and sustain with society.

The proposed programs for the reassembled skyscraper will include an indoor forest and medical healing beds that reflect the context of the site, which is surrounded with medical clinics, residential complexes, and offices. The skyscraper will be filled with indoor gardens, meditation rooms, and healing beds to provide peaceful, relaxing, and meditative spaces for visitors in the city. In addition, there will be supportive facilities such as libraries, research labs, multi-purpose rooms, and co-working offices to provide a diverse range of services and opportunities for the community. 

The approach of Re-grown tower offers a way to breathe new life into abandoned structures, rather than demolishing them and creating additional waste. Ultimately, it will be a promising path forward for urban development that balances economic growth with sustainability and preserves the environment.


SKYHIVE Timber Skyscraper Challenge architecture competition winners revealed!

Winners chosen from the USA, Greece, South Korea and Poland.

Architecture Competition Timber Skyscraper Challenge Honorable mention winner - SEOULTECH

Participating in competitions is a way of testing myself. It is one way to learn how to convince people, how to think of questions and restrictions, and to improve digital skills.